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A11CC05 - ColecalciferolATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A11 - Vitamins

Vitamins constitute a comprehensive group of therapeutic and prophylactic preparations. Before classifying any product it is important to be familiar with the main subdivision of the group.
It may be necessary to consider whether a product is a vitamin preparation with iron or an iron preparation with vitamins, a mineral preparation with vitamins or a vitamin preparation with minerals, or if the product should be regarded as a tonic etc. As an aid to such considerations, guidelines are given at each sublevel.
Vitamin B12 is classified in B03 - Antianemic preparations.
Vitamin K is classified in B02 - Antihemorrhagics.
Vitamins administered as i.v. solution additives, see B05XC.
Some definitions:
Multivitamins: Products containing minimum vitamins A, B, C and D. One B-vitamin is sufficient.
B-complex: Products containing minimum thiamine, riboflavine, pyridoxine, nicotinamide. The products may contain other B-vitamins.
Combinations of vitamins, vitamins with minerals or other substances that do not belong to other 4th levels and are mainly indicated as food supplements, see A11J.

A11C - Vitamin A and D, incl. Combinations Of The Two

Combinations with trace elements are allowed. Other combinations, see A11J - Other vitamin products, combinations.
See also A12 - Mineral supplements.

A11CC - Vitamin D and Analogues

Vitamin D and analogues may be regarded as hormones, but are classified in this group. Calcium homeostasis, see H05.
Paricalcitol and doxercalciferol indicated for the prevention and treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism are classified in H05BX - Other anti-parathyroid agents.
Oral formulations of calcifediol, solely indicated for treatment of renal secondary hyperparathyroidism are classified in H05BX - Other anti-parathyroid agents, while all other pharmaceutical formulations of calcifediol are classified in A11CC06.
Colecalciferol in combination with sodium fluoride indicated for prophylaxis of rickets and caries is classified in A11CC55.

The DDDs are based on therapeutic use. No DDD is established for ergocalciferol due to great differences between doses used for various indications. The DDD of 20 mcg colecalciferol corresponds to 800 IU.

A11CC05 - Colecalciferol
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