ProductRegistr. HolderPackage SizeCompositionCP%SBDC
IPCIHyperval 500Sidroga AG30 Tablet(s)Coated tablets: Hyperici Herbae Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum Quantificatum 500 mg35.15 k.A.
IPCIRebalance 500Zeller Medical AG30 Tablet(s)Coated tablets: Hyperici Herbae Extractum Siccum Quantificatum (Hypericum Performatum l., Herba) 500 mg26.70-24%10 %
IPCIRebalance RxZeller Medical AG30 Tablet(s)Coated tablets: Hyperici Herbae Extractum Siccum Quantificatum (Hypericum Perforatum l., Herba) 500 mg28.95-17%10 %
IPCIRemotiv 500Max Zeller Söhne AG30 Tablet(s)Coated tablets: Hyperici Herbae Extractum Siccum Quantificatum (Hypericum Performatum l., Herba) 500 mgPR k.A.
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