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A06AX04 - LinaclotideATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A06 - Drugs for Constipation
A06A - Drugs for Constipation

All agents used for treatment of constipation (regardless of indication) are classified here.
The agents are mainly subdivided according to mode of action. All enemas are classified in A06AG, regardless of mode of action.
Some combination products are classified at separate levels. These are mentioned in the respective ATC group.
Otherwise combination products are classified at separate 5th levels using the corresponding 50-series.
Laxatives in combination with centrally acting antiobesity agents are classified in A08A - Antiobesity preparations, excl. diet products.

A06AX - Other Drugs for Constipation

This group comprises all agents, which cannot be classified in the preceding groups, e.g. lubiprostone, linaclotide, tenapanor and prucalopride.

The DDD for linaclotide is based on treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.

A06AX04 - Linaclotide
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