Home - Calcium, Kombinationen mit anderen Mitteln (A12AX) |
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A12AX - Calcium, Combinations with Vitamin D and/Or Other Drugs | ATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO | A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism | |
| A12 - Mineral Supplements | This group contains mineral supplements used for treatment of mineral deficiency. All parenteral solutions of electrolytes are classified in B05B or in B05X. Magnesium carbonate used for treatment of mineral deficiency is classified in A02AA01.
| | A12AX - Calcium, Combinations with Vitamin D and/Or Other Drugs | This group comprises all combined calcium preparations used in the treatment of calcium deficiency conditions and osteoporosis. Many of these are combinations with vitamins, especially vitamin A and D. Combination packages of calcium and bisphosphonates are classified in M05BB. Combinations with fluoride are classified in A12CD.