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B05XA - Electrolyte SolutionsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
B - Blood and Blood Forming Organs
B05 - Blood Substitutes and Perfusion Solutions

See also:
V07AB - Solvents and diluting agents, incl. irrigating solutions
V07AC - Blood transfusion, auxiliary products

No DDDs are established in this group. It is considered difficult to establish DDDs, because of the great variations in dosages given.

B05X - I.V. Solution Additives

I.v. solution additives (i.v. concentrates) are concentrated preparations containing substances used for correcting fluid and electrolyte balance and nutritional status.

B05XA - Electrolyte Solutions

This group comprises plain electrolyte solutions, combinations of electrolytes, and combinations of electrolytes and other substances (e.g. trace elements). Products containing trace elements only are classified in B05XA31.
See also A12 - Mineral supplements.

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