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N07BC02 - MethadoneATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
N - Nervous System
N07 - Other Nervous System Drugs

This group comprises other nervous system drugs, which cannot be classified in the preceding 2nd levels in ATC group N.

N07B - Drugs Used in Addictive Disorders

This group comprises drugs used for maintenance treatment of addictive disorders. Drugs used for detoxification are classified in V03A - All other therapeutic products.

N07BC - Drugs Used in Opioid Dependence

Low strength formulations of buprenorphine (equal or less than 0.4 mg) are classified in N02AE. Naltrexone is classified in N07BB - Drugs used in alcohol dependence.
Combinations of buprenorphine and naloxone are classified here.
Morphine used for treatment of opioid dependence is classified in N02AA01.

N07BC02 - Methadone
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