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V03AF - Detoxifying Agents for Antineoplastic TreatmentATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
V - Various

This group comprises many different types of drugs, and assigning DDDs are difficult. Very few DDDs are assigned in this group.

V03 - All Other Therapeutic Products
V03A - All Other Therapeutic Products
V03AF - Detoxifying Agents for Antineoplastic Treatment

Mesna in i.v. formulations used for the prophylaxis of urothelial toxicity are classified in this group. Mesna used as a mucolytic agent (e.g. administered by a nebuliser) is classified in R05CB.
Rasburicase is classified here, other agents (e.g. febuxostat) for treatment of hyperuricaemia, see M04AA.
Glutathione and thiosulfate are classified in V03AB - Antidotes.

The DDDs for calcium folinate, calcium levofolinate, sodium folinate and sodium levofolinate are based on the combined treatment with high doses of methotrexate.
The DDD for amifostine is based on the use as an adjunct in antineoplastic therapy.

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