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Fachinformation zu Traumanase® forte:Sanofi-Aventis (Suisse) SA
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B06AA11 - BromelainsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
B - Blood and Blood Forming Organs
B06 - Other Hematological Agents

No DDDs are established in this group.

B06A - Other Hematological Agents

This group includes preparations for local and systemic use, and also some preparations used for dissolving clots in catheters, hemodialysis clots etc.
See also:
V07A - All other non-therapeutic products
B01AB - Heparin group

B06AA - Enzymes

This group comprises enzymes with fibrinolytic properties. Enzymes with other well defined therapeutic use should be classified in the respective groups, see e.g.:
A09A - Digestives, incl. enzymes
B01AD - Enzymes
D03BA - Proteolytic enzymes
S01KX - Other surgical aids

B06AA11 - Bromelains
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