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Fachinformation zu Ophtasone®:Bausch & Lomb Swiss AG
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Fahrtücht.Unerw.WirkungenÜberdos.Eigensch.Pharm.kinetikPräklin.Sonstige H.Swissmedic-Nr.
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S01CA05 - Betamethasone and AntiinfectivesATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
S - Sensory Organs

A formulation approved both for use in the eye/ear is classified in S03. Formulations approved for eye, ear and nose are also classified in S03. Formulations only licensed for use in the eye or the ear are classified in S01 and S02, respectively.

S01 - Ophthalmologicals

Most of the drugs in this group are topical preparations. Systemic preparations with clear ophthalmological indications are also classified in this group.
Small amounts of antiseptics in eye preparations do not influence the classification, e.g. benzalconium.
See also S03 - Ophthalmological and otological preparations.

DDDs have been assigned for antiglaucoma preparations only.

S01C - Antiinflammatory Agents and Antiinfectives in Combination

This group comprises all eye preparations, which contain corticosteroids or non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents and antiinfectives. Preparations may also contain additional drugs.

S01CA - Corticosteroids and Antiinfectives in Combination

The preparations are classified according to the corticosteroid. Different antiinfectives may occur at each 5th level.

S01CA05 - Betamethasone and Antiinfectives
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