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Fachinformation zu Glicinal®:Dr. Grossmann AG Pharmaca
Vollst. FachinformationDDDDrucken 
Interakt.Überdos.Sonstige H.Swissmedic-Nr.Stand d. Info. 
R03BC01 - Cromoglicic AcidATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
R - Respiratory System

Inhaled antiinfectives are classified in ATC group J - Antiinfectives for systemic use.

R03 - Drugs for Obstructive Airway Diseases
R03B - Other Drugs for Obstructive Airway Diseases, Inhalants

This group comprises all drugs for obstructive airway diseases for inhalation excl. adrenergics (R03A).

See comment under R03A.

R03BC - Antiallergic Agents, Excl. Corticosteroids

The DDDs are based on the prophylaxis of asthma.
DDD for inhalation aerosol and inhalation powder differ in this group, due to differences in dosage recommendations for these dosage forms.

R03BC01 - Cromoglicic Acid
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