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Fachinformation zu Priligy®:A. Menarini GmbH
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G04BX14 - DapoxetineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
G - Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones
G04 - Urologicals

Antiseptic and antiinfective preparations for systemic use specifically used in urinary tract infections, see J01.
Antiinfectives for systemic use, see group J.
Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics, see G01.

G04B - Urologicals

This group comprises urological preparations other than antiseptics and antiinfectives.

G04BX - Other Urologicals

This group comprises urologicals which cannot be classified in the preceding groups.
Phenazopyridine, plain products, are classified here, while phenazopyridine in combination with sulfonamides is classified according to the sulfonamide in J01EB20, J01EC20 or J01ED20.
Local anesthetic formulations for treatment of premature ejaculation are classified in N01B.

The DDD of phenazopyridine is based on analgesic treatment of conditions such as cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis. The DDD for phenylsalicylate is based on the prophylaxis of urinary tract infections. The other DDDs are based on the prophylaxis of urinary concrements.

G04BX14 - Dapoxetine
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