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Fachinformation zu Pioglit-Mepha 15/30/45:Mepha Pharma AG
Vollst. FachinformationDDDDrucken 
Unerw.WirkungenÜberdos.Eigensch.Pharm.kinetikPräklin.Sonstige H.Swissmedic-Nr.Packungen
Reg.InhaberStand d. Info. 
A10BG03 - PioglitazoneATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A10 - Drugs Used in Diabetes
A10B - Blood Glucose Lowering Drugs, Excl. Insulins

Fixed combinations of blood glucose lowering drugs and lipid modifying agentes are classified here.

A10BG - Thiazolidinediones

The DDD for troglitazone is based on combination therapy. The DDDs for rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are based on monotherapy.

A10BG03 - Pioglitazone
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