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Fachinformation zu Jaydess®:Bayer (Schweiz) AG
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Fahrtücht.Unerw.WirkungenÜberdos.Eigensch.Pharm.kinetikPräklin.Sonstige H.Swissmedic-Nr.
PackungenReg.InhaberStand d. Info. 
G02BA03 - Plastic Iud with ProgestogenATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
G - Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones
G02 - Other Gynecologicals

Analgesics used in dysmenorrhea, see N02B - Other analgesics and antipyretics and M01A - Antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products, non-steroids.

G02B - Contraceptives for Topical Use

Contraceptives for systemic use, see G03A.

G02BA - Intrauterine Contraceptives

IUDs (intrauterine devices) are classified in this group. IUDs containing progestogens are also classified in this group.

G02BA03 - Plastic Iud with Progestogen
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