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Fachinformation zu Coop Vitality Xylo Plus, Nasenspray:Coop Vitality Health Care GmbH
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PackungenReg.InhaberStand d. Info. 
R01AB06 - XylometazolineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
R - Respiratory System

Inhaled antiinfectives are classified in ATC group J - Antiinfectives for systemic use.

R01 - Nasal Preparations

Varenicline nasal spray used for dry eye disease is classified in S01XA.

R01A - Decongestants and Other Nasal Preparations for Topical Use

This group comprises preparations for local treatment in nasal congestion (e.g. sympathomimetics) or for prophylaxis and treatment of allergic rhinitis (e.g. corticosteroids, cromoglicate preparations). Most of the products are nasal drops, nasal sprays or nasal inhalants. Formulations approved for eye, ear and nose are classified in S03.
See also R01B - Nasal decongestants for systemic use, and
R06 - Antihistamines for systemic use.

The DDDs are based on treatment of both nostrils.

R01AB - Sympathomimetics, Combinations Excl. Corticosteroids

Combinations with e.g. antibiotics, antihistamines and ipatropium bromide are classified in this group.
This group also includes preparations with two or more sympathomimetics. These combinations are classified in a ranking according to the ATC codes, e.g. substances classified in R01AB01 take precedence over substances classified in R01AB02 etc.
Combinations of phenylephrine and lerimazoline are classified in R01AB01.
Combinations of tetracaine and oxymetazoline for nasal application used as local dental anesthetics are classified in N01BA.

The DDDs are based on the treatment of rhinitis. DDDs are given in volume (i.e. ml). Most of the products classified in this group are combinations with antihistamines. So far, all these products are given a fixed DDD of 0.8 ml.

R01AB06 - Xylometazoline
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