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  ProductRegistr. HolderPackage SizeCompositionCP%SBDC
IPCITemodal 250 mg - TMSD Merck Sharp &
Dohme AG
5 Capsule(s)Capsules: Temozolomidum 250 mg584.30 10 %
IP Temozolomid Accord 250 mgAccord Healthcare AG5Capsules: Temozolomidum 250 mg527.80-9%10 %
IP Temozolomid Devatis 250 mgDevatis AG5Capsules: Temozolomidum 250 mg527.80-9%10 %
IPCITemozolomid-Teva 250 mgTeva Pharma AG5 Capsule(s)Capsules: Temozolomidum 250 mg527.80-9%10 %
IPCITemodal 250 mg - TMSD Merck Sharp &
Dohme AG
5 Capsule(s)Capsules: Temozolomidum 250 mg1349.20+130%k.A.
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