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  ProductRegistr. HolderPackage SizeCompositionCP%SBDC
IP Dexmedetomidin Fresenius
i.v. 400ug/4ml
Fresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
10Concentrate for infusion: Dexmedetomidinum 400µg / 4mlPR k.A.
IP Dexmedetomidin Fresenius
i.v. 1000ug/10ml
Fresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
10Concentrate for infusion: Dexmedetomidinum 1000µg / 10mlPR k.A.
IP Dexmedetomidin Fresenius
i.v. 200ug/2ml
Fresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
10Concentrate for infusion: Dexmedetomidinum 200µg / 2mlPR k.A.
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