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  ProductRegistr. HolderPackage SizeCompositionCP%SBDC
IPCIMebucaïne Dolo Honig-
Zitrone 8.75 mg
Spirig HealthCare AG16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCIAmavita Flurbiprofen 8.75 mgAmavita Health Care AG16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCICoop Vitality
Flurbiprofen 8.75 mg
Coop Vitality Health
Care GmbH
16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCIFlurbifelan Dolo 8.75 mgG-Pharma AG16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCINeo-Angin Dolo Orange
8.75 mg
Doetsch Grether AG16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCISUN STORE Flurbiprofen
8.75 mg
Sun Store Health Care AG16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
IPCIStrepsils Dolo OrangeReckitt Benckiser
(Switzerland) AG
16Lozenges: Flurbiprofenum 8.75 mgPR k.A.
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