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A01AA - Caries Prophylactic AgentsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A01 - Stomatological Preparations
A01A - Stomatological Preparations

This group comprises agents for treatment of conditions of mouth and teeth. Preparations mainly used in gingivitis, stomatitis etc. should be classified in this group.
Preparations for the treatment of throat infections, (lozenges for common cold conditions) or treatment of symptoms both in mouth and throat are classified in R02 - Throat preparations.
Preparations containing local anesthetics, see N01B - Anesthetics, local, and R02AD - Anesthetics, local.

A01AA - Caries Prophylactic Agents

This group comprises all types of fluoride preparations (tablets, gargles, toothpastes, chewing-gum etc.).
Combinations of olaflur and dectaflur are classified at the 5th level of olaflur - A01AA03. Combinations of sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate are classified in A01AA30.
Combinations of colecalciferol and sodium fluoride indicated for prophylaxis of rickets and caries are classified in A11CC.

For caries prophylactic agents in A01AA, the DDDs are based on use in children. DDDs are only established for tablets.

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