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A04AA - Serotonin (5ht3) AntagonistsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A04 - Antiemetics and Antinauseants
A04A - Antiemetics and Antinauseants

Antihistamines, which are often used as antiemetics, are classified in R06 - Antihistamines for systemic use.
Metoclopramide is classified in A03FA.
Combinations with analgesics are classified in N02 - Analgesics.
Antivertigo preparations, see N07C.
Antipsychotics, see N05A.

A04AA - Serotonin (5ht3) Antagonists

The DDDs are based on antiemetic treatment. The DDD for palonosetron is based on single dose treatment.

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