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C02AB01 - Methyldopa (Levorotatory)ATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
C - Cardiovascular System

This group comprises substances used for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions.
Drugs used for the treatment of hypertension are classified in C02 - Antihypertensives, C03 - Diuretics, C07 - Beta blocking agents, C08 - Calcium channel blockers, and C09 - Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system. For the classification of combination products of antihypertensives from different ATC groups, the following ranking should be used, from higher to lower precedence: C09, C07, C08, and C03.

C02 - Antihypertensives

See also C03 - Diuretics, C07 - Beta blocking agents, C08 - Calcium channel blockers and C09 - Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system.
Antihypertensives are mainly classified at 3rd levels according to the mechanism of action. Most headings are self-explanatory:
C02A Antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting
C02B Antiadrenergic agents, ganglion-blocking
C02C Antiadrenergic agents, peripherally acting
C02D Arteriolar smooth muscle, agents acting on
C02K Other antihypertensives
C02L Antihypertensives and diuretics in combination
C02N Combinations of antihypertensives in ATC gr. C02

The oral DDDs are based on the average doses needed to reduce the blood pressure to a normal level in patients with mild-moderate hypertension.
Parenteral DDDs are based on dosages used for the treatment of hypertensive crises and are based on the content of the active ingredient pr. vial (ampoule).

C02A - Antiadrenergic Agents, Centrally Acting
C02AB - Methyldopa

Combinations with diuretics, see C02LB - Methyldopa and diuretics in combination.
Combinations with Rauwolfia alkaloids and diuretics, see C02LA - Rauwolfia alkaloids and diuretics in combination.

Different DDDs have been established for the various stereoiso-meric forms of methyldopa, because of different potency.

C02AB01 - Methyldopa (Levorotatory)
DoseRoute of administrationNote
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