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Information for professionals for Rhinopront®:Pfizer AG
Complete information for professionalsDDDPrint 
Galenic Form / Therapeutic GroupComposition.EffectsPharm.kinetikIndication.UsageRestrictions.Unwanted effects
Interactions.OverdoseOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.Last update of information 
R01BA53 - Phenylephrine, CombinationsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
R - Respiratory System

Inhaled antiinfectives are classified in ATC group J - Antiinfectives for systemic use.

R01 - Nasal Preparations

Varenicline nasal spray used for dry eye disease is classified in S01XA.

R01B - Nasal Decongestants for Systemic Use

This group comprises preparations for systemic use in vasomotoric or allergic rhinitis etc., excl. plain antihistamines (see R06).
Combinations with antihistamines are classified in this group.
Cold preparations with therapeutic levels of analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents should be classified in the respective N02/M01 groups.

The DDDs are based on the treatment of rhinitis.

R01BA - Sympathomimetics
R01BA53 - Phenylephrine, Combinations
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