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Information for professionals for Phosphalugel®:Boehringer Ingelheim (Schweiz) GmbH
Complete information for professionalsDDDPrint 
Galenic Form / Therapeutic GroupComposition.EffectsPharm.kinetikIndication.UsageRestrictions.Unwanted effects
Interactions.OverdoseOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.Last update of information 
A02AB03 - Aluminium PhosphateATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A02 - Drugs for Acid Related Disorders
A02A - Antacids

This group comprises plain antacid drugs, antacids in combination with antiflatulents and antacids in combination with other drugs.
Antacids in combination with liquorice root or linseed are classified in this group.
Plain antiflatulents, see A03AX - Other drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders.

The DDDs for antacids are based on treatment of hyperacidity and dyspepsia, not ulcus. One exception, however, is antacids in combination with antispasmodics in A02AG, where the DDDs are based on treatment of ulcus.
For ordinary salt combinations in A02AD, fixed doses are used instead of individual doses for every single preparation (10 tablets = 10 UD; 50 ml mixture = 10 UD).

A02AB - Aluminium Compounds

Combinations of different aluminium compounds are classified in A02AB10 - combinations.

A02AB03 - Aluminium Phosphate
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