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Information for professionals for Ridaura®:Doetsch Grether AG
Complete information for professionalsDDDPrint 
Galenic Form / Therapeutic GroupComposition.EffectsPharm.kinetikIndication.UsageRestrictions.Unwanted effects
Interactions.OverdoseOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.Last update of information 
M01CB03 - AuranofinATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
M - Musculo-Skeletal System
M01 - Antiinflammatory and Antirheumatic Products

Corticosteroids, see H02 - Corticosteroids for systemic use.

M01C - Specific Antirheumatic Agents

This group comprises specific antirheumatic preparations.
Penicillamine, which is also used in conditions associated with impaired copper metabolism and as an antidot in copper poisoning, is classified in this group regardless of indication.
Other Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) see:
A07EC - Aminosalicylic acid and similar agents
L01BA - Folic acid analogues
L04AA - Selective immunosuppressants
L04AX - Other immunosuppressants
P01BA - Aminoquinolines

The DDDs are based on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

M01CB - Gold Preparations
M01CB03 - Auranofin
DoseRoute of administrationNote
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