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Information for professionals for Optiray 300, 350:Guerbet AG
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V08AB07 - IoversolATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
V - Various

This group comprises many different types of drugs, and assigning DDDs are difficult. Very few DDDs are assigned in this group.

V08 - Contrast Media

This group comprises X-ray, MRI and Ultrasound contrast media. The X-ray contrast media are subdivided into iodinated and non-iodinated compounds, and are further classified according to water solubility, osmolarity and nephrotropic/hepatotropic properties. High osmolar substances correspond mainly to ionic substances, except from ioxaglic acid, which is classified together with the non-ionic substances. MRI contrast media are subdivided according to magnetic properties.

V08A - X-Ray Contrast Media, Iodinated
V08AB - Watersoluble, Nephrotropic, Low Osmolar X-Ray Contrast Media
V08AB07 - Ioversol
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