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Information for professionals for DaTSCAN™:GE Healthcare AG
Complete information for professionalsDDDÄnderungen anzeigenPrint 
Composition.Galenic FormIndication.UsageContra IndicationWarning restrictions.Interactions.Pregnancy
Driving abilityUnwanted effectsOverdoseEffectsPharm.kinetikPreclinicalOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.
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V09AB03 - Iodine Ioflupane (123i)ATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
V - Various

This group comprises many different types of drugs, and assigning DDDs are difficult. Very few DDDs are assigned in this group.

V09 - Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals

No DDDs have been assigned for radiopharmaceuticals.

V09A - Central Nervous System

This group comprises preparations used in CNS investigations in diagnostic nuclear medicine.

V09AB - Iodine (123i) Compounds
V09AB03 - Iodine Ioflupane (123i)
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