| N06 - Psychoanaleptics | This group comprises antidepressants, psychostimulants, nootropics, anti-dementia drugs and combinations with psycholeptics. Antiobesity preparations are classified in A08 - Antiobesity preparations, excl. diet products.
| N06B - Psychostimulants, Agents Used for Adhd and Nootropics | Some drugs used in the treatment of narcolepsy are classified here. Nootropics are classified in N06BX. Clonidine and guanfacine also used in ADHD are classified in C02AC.
| N06BA - Centrally Acting Sympathomimetics | Amfetamine is classified in this group, see comment under A08AA - Centrally acting antiobesity products. Combinations of amfetamine and dexamfetamine are classified in N06BA01.
| Since atomoxetine is approved for use both in children, adolescents and in adults, the DDD is based on the treatment of a 70 kg person. The majority of the users will, however, probably be under 18 years of age.
| N06BA04 - Methylphenidate | Dose | Route of administration | Note |
| O | |