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Information for professionals for Ferinject®:Vifor (International) Inc.
Complete information for professionalsDDDÄnderungen anzeigenPrint 
Composition.Galenic FormIndication.UsageContra IndicationWarning restrictions.Interactions.Pregnancy
Driving abilityUnwanted effectsOverdoseEffectsPharm.kinetikPreclinicalOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.
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B03AC - Iron, Parenteral PreparationsATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
B - Blood and Blood Forming Organs
B03 - Antianemic Preparations
B03A - Iron Preparations
B03AC - Iron, Parenteral Preparations
DoseRoute of administrationNote

The DDDs are based on treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The DDDs are established according to amount of Fe and are equal for all compounds (i.e. the DDD corresponds to 0.1 g Fe).

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