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Information for professionals for Invokana®:Janssen-Cilag AG
Complete information for professionalsDDDÄnderungen anzeigenPrint 
Composition.Galenic FormIndication.UsageContra IndicationWarning restrictions.Interactions.Pregnancy
Driving abilityUnwanted effectsOverdoseEffectsPharm.kinetikPreclinicalOther adviceSwissmedic-Nr.
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A10BK02 - CanagliflozinATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A10 - Drugs Used in Diabetes
A10B - Blood Glucose Lowering Drugs, Excl. Insulins

Fixed combinations of blood glucose lowering drugs and lipid modifying agentes are classified here.

A10BK - Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (Sglt2) Inhibitors

Inhibitors of SGLT1 and SGLT2, e.g. sotagliflozin, are also classified here.

A10BK02 - Canagliflozin
DoseRoute of administrationNote
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