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Information for professionals for Atovaquon Plus Spirig HC®:Spirig HealthCare AG
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P01BB51 - Proguanil and AtovaquoneATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
P - Antiparasitic Products, Insecticides and Repellents

The group is subdivided according to types of parasites.

P01 - Antiprotozoals
P01B - Antimalarials

This group comprises drugs mainly used for treatment and prophylaxis of malaria.

The DDDs are based on the treatment of malaria, except for proguanil, which is used for prophylaxis only. For some substances the DDDs are expressed as amount of base. These are indicated in the ATC index.

P01BB - Biguanides

The DDD for proguanil is based on the daily dose given for prophylaxis of malaria. The DDD for the fixed combination of proguanil and atovaquone is based on the treatment of acute malaria, while the DDD for the fixed combination of proguanil and chloroquine is based on prophylaxis of malaria, see list of DDDs for combination products

P01BB51 - Proguanil and Atovaquone
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