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Information for professionals for Alfuzosin-Mepha retard, Retardtabletten:Mepha Pharma AG
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G04CA01 - AlfuzosinATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
G - Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones
G04 - Urologicals

Antiseptic and antiinfective preparations for systemic use specifically used in urinary tract infections, see J01.
Antiinfectives for systemic use, see group J.
Gynecological antiinfectives and antiseptics, see G01.

G04C - Drugs Used in Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
G04CA - Alpha-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists

Alfuzosin and terazosin used in the management of urinary obstruction caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy, are classified here, while other alpha-adrenoreceptor blocking agents used both in the management of urinary obstruction and hypertension (e.g. doxazosin) are classified in C02CA.

G04CA01 - Alfuzosin
DoseRoute of administrationNote
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