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Home<List for "A10AE04" (6)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
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Insulin Glargine (A10AE04) 6 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Abasaglar KwikPen 100
5 x 3 ml44.3767.4010 %Injection solution: Insulinum Glarginum 3.64 mg/mlEli Lilly (Suisse) SAB / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Lantus SoloStar (Stylo
5 1 Fertigspritze(n) à 3 ml49.3073.0510 %Injection solution: Insulinum Glarginum 3.6378 mg/mlSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Lantus5 x 3 ml47.9471.5010 %solution injectable en cartouche: Insulinum Glarginum 3.6378 mg/mlSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
B / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Toujeo SoloStar 300
3 x 1.5 ml40.8863.4010 %solution injectable en stylo pré-rempli: Insulinum Glarginum 10.91 mgSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Abasaglar KwikPen 100
5 x 3 ml45.3068.40k.A.Injection solution: Insulinum Glarginum 3.64 mg/mlEli Lilly (Suisse) SABGtell a friend
  IPCI Toujeo SoloStar 300
5 x 1.5 mlPRPRk.A.solution injectable en stylo pré-rempli: Insulinum Glarginum 10.91 mgSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
BGtell a friend
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