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Home<List for "Arkocaps Chardon Marie 390 mg nouvelle formule" (9)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Silymarin (A05BA03) 9 products WHO-DDD  
  IPCIPhLegalon 7040 Capsule(s)6.2815.4010 %Capsules: Cardui Mariae Extractum Ethylaceticum Siccum 86.5-93.3 mgMEDA Pharma GmbHB / SLGtell a friend
   CIPhAllsan Mariendistel100 Tablet(s)PR28.90k.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsBiomed AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhAllsan Mariendistel300 Tablet(s)PR69.50k.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsBiomed AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhArkocaps Chardon Marie 390 mg
nouvelle formule
45PRPRk.A.Capsules: Silybi Mariani Fructus Pulvis 390 mgArko Diffusion AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhArkocaps Chardon Marie 390 mg
nouvelle formule
150PRPRk.A.Capsules: Silybi Mariani Fructus Pulvis 390 mgArko Diffusion AGDGtell a friend
  IPCIPhLegalon 70200 Capsule(s)PR130.65k.A.Capsules: Cardui Mariae Extractum Ethylaceticum Siccum 86.5-93.3 mgMEDA Pharma GmbHBGtell a friend
  IPCIPhLegalon 14060 Capsule(s)PR68.55k.A.Capsules: Cardui Mariae Extractum Ethylaceticum Siccum 173-186.7 mgMEDA Pharma GmbHBGtell a friend
  IPCI Simepar-Acino40PRPRk.A.Capsules: 6 Active AgentsAcino Pharma AGBGtell a friend
     Phytopharma100 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: Silybum Marianum TmPhytopharma SADGtell a friend
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