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Home<List for "Carmenthin" (9)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (A03A) 9 products WHO-DDD  
L IPCI Carmenthin2810.2620.0010 %Gastric juice resistant capsules: 2 Active AgentsSchwabe Pharma AGB / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Carmenthin8424.9245.0510 %Gastric juice resistant capsules: 2 Active AgentsSchwabe Pharma AGB / SLGtell a friend
    PhCMFloramed Fenchelfruchtee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.5 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: Foeniculi Dulcis Fructus 1.5 gMorga AGEGtell a friend
    PhKlostergarten Magen- und
Darmtee Isidorus
20 x 1.5 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 7 Active AgentsMigros-
EGtell a friend
  IPCI Gaspan28PRPRk.A.Gastric juice resistant capsules: 2 Active AgentsSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
  IPCI Gaspan42PRPRk.A.Gastric juice resistant capsules: 2 Active AgentsSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
    PhMorga Fenchelfruchttee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.5 gPRPRk.A.Beutel: Foeniculi Dulcis Fructus 1.5 gMorga AGEGtell a friend
    PhCMHelena's Fenchelfruchttee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.5 gPRPRk.A.ganze Droge: Foeniculi Dulcis Fructus 1.5 gMorga AGEGtell a friend
50 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: Melissae FoliumMorga AGEGtell a friend
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