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Home<List for "Cosentyx" (8)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Secukinumab (L04AC10) 8 products WHO-DDD 
L IPCIPPCosentyx 150 mg / 1 mlFertigspritze(n)538.86635.6510 %Injection solution in prefilled syringe: Secukinumabum 150 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IP PPCosentyx 300 mg / 2 ml 1074.571241.2510 %Injection solution in prefilled syringe: Secukinumabum 300mg / 2mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IP PPCosentyx 75 mg / 0.5 ml 269.43326.0010 %Injection solution in prefilled syringe: Secukinumabum 75mg / 0.5mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCIPPCosentyx 150 mg / 1 ml2 Fertigspritze(n)1074.571241.2510 %Injection solution in prefilled syringe: Secukinumabum 150 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IP PPCosentyx 150 mgDurchstechflasche(n)538.86635.6510 %Dry substance: Secukinumabum 150 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Cosentyx UnoReady 300 mg / 2 ml 1074.571241.2510 %Injektionslösung im Fertigpen: Secukinumabum 300mg / 2mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCIPPCosentyx SensoReady 150 mg / 1 ml 538.86635.6510 %Injektionslösung in Fertigpen: Secukinumabum 150 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCIPPCosentyx SensoReady 150 mg / 1 ml21074.571241.2510 %Injektionslösung in Fertigpen: Secukinumabum 150 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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