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Home<List for "D07C" (19)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Hydrocortisone and Antibiotics (D07CA01) 1 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Fucidin H15 g5.2214.9010 %Cream: 2 Active AgentsLEO Pharmaceutical
Products Sarath Ltd.
B / SLGtell a friend
Betamethasone and Antibiotics (D07CC01) 12 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Fucicort15 g7.2016.9520 %Cream: 2 Active AgentsLEO Pharmaceutical
Products Sarath Ltd.
B / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IPCI Fucicort30 g13.2630.6520 %Cream: 2 Active AgentsLEO Pharmaceutical
Products Sarath Ltd.
B / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IPCI Fusicutan plus15 g5.7615.5010 %Dermapharm AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IPCI Fusicutan plus30 g10.6127.9510 %Dermapharm AG● B / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IPCI Diprogenta30 g9.7327.0010 %Cream: 2 Active AgentsOrganon GmbHB / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Triderm15 g6.4716.2510 %Cream: 3 Active AgentsOrganon GmbHB / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Triderm30 g12.9430.5010 %Cream: 3 Active AgentsOrganon GmbHB / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Diprogenta30 g9.7327.0010 %Ointment: 2 Active AgentsOrganon GmbHB / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Dermafusone 20 mg/g acide
fusidique et 1 mg/g
15 g5.5015.20k.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsBailleul (Suisse) SABGtell a friend
  IPCI Dermafusone 20 mg/g acide
fusidique et 1 mg/g
30 g10.2027.50k.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsBailleul (Suisse) SABGtell a friend
  IPCI Dermafusone 20 mg/g acide
fusidique et 1 mg/g
60 gPRPRk.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsBailleul (Suisse) SABGtell a friend
  IPCI Diprogenta10 g4.048.75k.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsOrganon GmbHBGtell a friend
Fluocinolone Acetonide and Antibiotics (D07CC02) 2 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Synalar-N15 g5.7715.5010 %Cream: 2 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Synalar-N15 g5.7715.5010 %Ointment: 2 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
Fluocinonide and Antibiotics (D07CC05) 4 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Topsym polyvalent15 g6.4716.2510 %Cream: 4 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Topsym polyvalent30 g12.0029.4510 %Cream: 4 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Topsym polyvalent15 g6.4716.2510 %unguento: 4 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Topsym polyvalent30 g12.0029.4510 %unguento: 4 Active AgentsFarmaceutica Teofarma
Suisse SA
● B / SLGtell a friend
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