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Home<List for "Der-med dry skin Lotion" (10)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Carbamide, Combinations (D02AE51) 10 products WHO-DDD  
L  CI Optiderm50 g5.9611.0010 %Cream: Ureum 50 mgAlmirall AGD / SLGtell a friend
L  CI Optiderm100 g10.4619.3010 %Cream: Ureum 50 mgAlmirall AGD / SLGtell a friend
L  CI Optiderm F Creme100 g10.4619.3010 %Cream: Ureum 50 mgAlmirall AGD / SLGtell a friend
L  CI Optiderm Lotion200 g7.6814.2010 %Lotion: Ureum 50 mg/gAlmirall AGD / SLGtell a friend
L  CI Optiderm Lotion500 g16.1929.9010 %Lotion: Ureum 50 mg/gAlmirall AG● D / SLGtell a friend
L IPCICMDer-med dry skin Lotion200 ml7.6814.2010 %Lipolotion: Ureum 50 mg/gPermamed AGD / SLGtell a friend
L IPCICMDer-med dry skin Lotion500 ml16.1929.9010 %Lipolotion: Ureum 50 mg/gPermamed AGD / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Pruri-med Lipolotion200 ml7.6814.2010 %Lipolotion: Ureum 50 mg/gPermamed AGD / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Pruri-med Lipolotion500 ml16.1929.9010 %Lipolotion: Ureum 50 mg/gPermamed AGD / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Excipial Kerasal50 g5.109.40k.A.Ointment: 2 Active AgentsGalderma SADGtell a friend
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