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Home<List for "Doxazosin-Cimex 4 mg" (7)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
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Doxazosin (C02CA04) 7 products WHO-DDD 
L IPCI Cardura CR 4 mg30 Tablet(s)10.6220.4010 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 4 mgViatris Pharma GmbH● B / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Cardura CR 4 mg100 Tablet(s)32.9754.3010 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 4 mgViatris Pharma GmbHB / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Cardura CR 8 mg100 Tablet(s)48.2871.9010 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 8 mgViatris Pharma GmbHB / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Doxazosin retard Zentiva 4 mg288.9218.4510 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 4 mgHelvepharm AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Doxazosin retard Zentiva 4 mg9829.0849.8510 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 4 mgHelvepharm AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Doxazosin retard Zentiva 8 mg2811.5825.6010 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 8 mgHelvepharm AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Doxazosin retard Zentiva 8 mg9842.5965.3510 %Coated tablets: Doxazosinum 8 mgHelvepharm AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
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