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Home<List for "Gonal-f" (16)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
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Follitropin Alfa (G03GA05) 16 products WHO-DDD 
L IPCI Gonal-f PEN 300 U.I./0.5 mlSet(s)105.75137.9510 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 300U.I. / 0.5mlMerck (Schweiz) AGA / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Gonal-f PEN 450 U.I./0.75 mlSet(s)158.68198.7510 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 450U.I. / 0.75mlMerck (Schweiz) AGA / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Gonal-f PEN 900 U.I./1.5 mlSet(s)312.94376.0010 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 900U.I. / 1.5mlMerck (Schweiz) AGA / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Ovaleap 300 IU/0.5 ml 92.05122.2010 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 300U.I. / 0.5mlFuture Health Pharma
A / SLGtell a friend
L IP  Ovaleap 450 IU/0.75 ml 138.12175.1510 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 450U.I. / 0.75mlFuture Health Pharma
A / SLGtell a friend
L IP  Ovaleap 900 IU/1.5 ml 272.39329.4010 %Injection solution: Follitropinum Alfa 900U.I. / 1.5mlFuture Health Pharma
A / SLGtell a friend
L IPCI Gonal-f 75 U.I.(5.5 µg)Set(s)30.5451.5010 %Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 75 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGA / SLGtell a friend
  IPCI Gonal-f 450 U.I./0.75 ml (33
µg/0.75 ml)
Set(s)189.49234.15k.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 450 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Gonal-f 1050 U.I./1.75 ml (77
µg/1.75 ml)
Set(s)435.82517.25k.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 1200 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle Pen 300IE / 0.5 mlSet(s)PRPRk.A.Merck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle Pen 450IE / 0.75 mlSet(s)PRPRk.A.Merck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle Pen 900IE / 1.5 mlSet(s)PRPRk.A.Merck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle 75 U.I.(5.5 µg)Set(s)PRPRk.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 75 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle 75 U.I.(5.5 µg)Set(s)PRPRk.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 75 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle 450 U.I./0.75 mL (33
µg/0.75 mL)
Set(s)PRPRk.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 600 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
  IPCI Forielle 1050 U.I./1.75 mL (77
µg/1.75 mL)
Set(s)PRPRk.A.Injection preparation: Follitropinum Alfa 1200 UIMerck (Schweiz) AGAGtell a friend
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