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Home<List for "Ladonna" (26)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Chlormadinone and Ethinylestradiol (G03AA15) 26 products WHO-DDD 
  IPCI Sara21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCI Sara3 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCI Sara6 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCI Belara21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Belara3 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Belara6 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Belarina24 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Belarina3 x 24 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Belarina6 x 24 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGedeon Richter
(Schweiz) AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Ethinylestradiol
Chlormadinonacetat Stada
21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCI Ethinylestradiol
Chlormadinonacetat Stada
3 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCI Ethinylestradiol
Chlormadinonacetat Stada
6 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSpirig HealthCare AGBGtell a friend
  IPCICMGerti Gynial 2 mg/30 mcg21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGynial AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCICMGerti Gynial 2 mg/30 mcg3 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGynial AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCICMGerti Gynial 2 mg/30 mcg6 x 21PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsGynial AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Ladonna21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSandoz
Pharmaceuticals AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Ladonna3 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSandoz
Pharmaceuticals AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Ladonna6 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsSandoz
Pharmaceuticals AG
B / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Madinette21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsDermapharm AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Madinette3 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsDermapharm AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Madinette6 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsDermapharm AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Neogyn28PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsLabatec Pharma SABGtell a friend
  IPCI Neogyn3 x 28PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsLabatec Pharma SABGtell a friend
  IPCI TyarenaI21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsMepha Pharma AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Tyarena3 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsMepha Pharma AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Tyarena6 x 21 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Coated tablets: 2 Active AgentsMepha Pharma AGB / LPPVGtell a friend
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