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Home<List for "Omida Cardiospermum" (44)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
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Sonstige Dermatologika, Homöopathika (D11AZ) 44 products WHO-DDD  
L  CI Omida Rubisan-N50 g7.4813.8010 %Cream: Mahonia Aquifolium (Hab) Tm 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGD / SLGtell a friend
L  CI Omida Rubisan-N100 g13.1624.3010 %Cream: Mahonia Aquifolium (Hab) Tm 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGD / SLGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D5ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D6ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D6 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D7ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D7 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D510 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D610 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D6 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D710 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D7 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D550 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D650 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D6 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D750 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D7 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHSanukehl Myc D5ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Mycobacterium Bovis Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHSanukehl Myc D510 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Mycobacterium Bovis Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHSanukehl Myc D550 1 ampoule(s) à 1 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Mycobacterium Bovis Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CI Omida Cardiospermum
50 gPRPRk.A.Cream: Tm: Cardiospermum Halicacabum 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
   CIHOmida Rubiderm-N50 gPRPRk.A.Cream: Mahonia Aquifolium (Hab) Tm 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D330 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: Penicillium Notatum D3 Dilutio 100 mgebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Cardiospermum50 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: Cardiospermum Halicacabum D6Similasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Fieberbläschen5 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: 4 Active AgentsSimilasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Hautausschläge50 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: 3 Active AgentsSimilasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Sonnenallergie50 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: Hypericum Perforatum (Hab) D6 20 mgSimilasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D310 suppositoriesPRPRk.A.Suppositories: Penicillium Notatum D3 Trituratio 200 mgebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHOmida Cardiospermum12.5 gPRPRk.A.Globules: Cardiospermum Halicacabum (Hab) D12 10 mgOmida AGDGtell a friend
   CIHProaller10 gPRPRk.A.Globules: 6 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Sonnenallergie15 gPRPRk.A.Globules: 2 Active AgentsSimilasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D4I20 Capsule(s)PRPRk.A.Capsules: Penicillium Notatum D4 Trituratio 330 mgebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHExsepta20 gPR15.80k.A.Tablets: 7 Active AgentsTentan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D520 Tablet(s)PRPRk.A.Tablets: Penicillium Notatum D5 Trituratio 250 mgebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHDr. Reckeweg R 60
50 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: 3 Active AgentsLaboratoire Jacques
Reboh et fils SA
DGtell a friend
   CIHNotakehl D510 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: Penicillium Notatum Aquos D5 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHSanukehl Myc D610 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: Mycobacterium Bovis Aquos D6 Dilutioebi-pharm agBGtell a friend
   CIHVerintex20 mlPRPRk.A.Flüssigkeit zur Anwendung auf der Haut: 6 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHSelomida Haut30 x 7.5 gPRPRk.A.Pulver zur Herstellung einer Lösung zum Einnehmen: 4 Active AgentsOmida AGDGtell a friend
   CIHSimilasan Akne Spray90 mlPRPRk.A.Spray zur Anwendung auf der Haut: 6 Active AgentsSimilasan AGDGtell a friend
   CIHDercut50 mlPR15.70k.A.Tropfen zum Einnehmen: 7 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHDercut100 mlPR27.20k.A.Tropfen zum Einnehmen: 7 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHProaller50 mlPRPRk.A.Tropfen zum Einnehmen: 6 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHVerintex50 mlPRPRk.A.Tropfen zum Einnehmen: 8 Active Agentsebi-pharm agDGtell a friend
   CIHDr. Reckeweg R 23
50 mlPRPRk.A.gouttes buvables: 3 Active AgentsLaboratoire Jacques
Reboh et fils SA
DGtell a friend
   CIHDr. Reckeweg R 53
50 mlPRPRk.A.gouttes buvables: 7 Active AgentsLaboratoire Jacques
Reboh et fils SA
DGtell a friend
   CI Omida Cardiospermum-N
homöopathische Salbe bei
50 gPRPRk.A.homöopathische Salbe bei Hautausschlägen: Cardiospermum Halicacabum Tm 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
   CI Omida Cardiospermum-N
homöopathische Salbe bei
100 gPRPRk.A.homöopathische Salbe bei Hautausschlägen: Cardiospermum Halicacabum Tm 100 mgSchwabe Pharma AGDGtell a friend
     Pillosyl30 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: 6 Active AgentsLaboratoire Dr. E.
Homberger SA
CGtell a friend
     Pillosyl60 mlPRPRk.A.Drops: 6 Active AgentsLaboratoire Dr. E.
Homberger SA
CGtell a friend
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