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Home<List for "Prospanex" (7)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Hederae Helicis Folium (R05CA12) 7 products WHO-DDD  
  IPCICMPulmex Efeu Hustensirup100 mlPRPRk.A.Spirig HealthCare AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhCMProspanex Hustensaft100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsZeller Medical AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhCMProspanex Hustensaft200 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsZeller Medical AGDGtell a friend
  IPCI Bexin Efeu Hustensirup100 ml4.468.2510 %Spirig HealthCare AGD / SLGtell a friend
   CIPhProspan Hustensaft100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsMax Zeller Söhne AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhProspan Hustensaft200 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsMax Zeller Söhne AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhProspan Hustentropfen20 mlPRPRk.A.Tropfen zum Einnehmen: Hederae Folii Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 20 mg/mlMax Zeller Söhne AGDGtell a friend
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