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Home<List for "Sandimmun Neoral 50 mg" (7)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Ciclosporin (L04AD01) 7 products WHO-DDD 
L IPCI Sandimmun10 x 1 ml27.1847.6510 %Concentrate for infusion: Ciclosporinum 50 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun10 x 5 ml129.64165.4010 %Concentrate for infusion: Ciclosporinum 50 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun Neoral 10 mg60 Capsule(s)25.7245.9510 %Capsules: Ciclosporinum 10 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun Neoral 25 mg50 Capsule(s)42.9965.8010 %Capsules: Ciclosporinum 25 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun Neoral 50 mg50 Capsule(s)74.74102.3010 %Capsules: Ciclosporinum 50 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun Neoral 100 mg50 Capsule(s)132.50168.6510 %Capsules: Ciclosporinum 100 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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L IPCI Sandimmun Neoral50 ml173.64215.9510 %Solution (oral): Ciclosporinum 100 mg/mlNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
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