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Home<List for "Sidroga Brust- und Hustentee" (48)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Expectorants, Excl. Combinations with Cough Suppressants (R05C) 11 products WHO-DDD  
   CIPhSantasapina Husten-
100 gPRPRk.A.Lozenges: Piceae Aetheroleum 2.1 mgA.Vogel AGEGtell a friend
    PhSantasapina Husten-
40 gPRPRk.A.Lozenges: 2 Active AgentsA.Vogel AGEGtell a friend
    PhCMFloramed Hustentee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.2 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 6 Active AgentsMorga AGEGtell a friend
    PhCMHelena's Hustentee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.2 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 6 Active AgentsMorga AGEGtell a friend
    PhMorga Hustentee20 1 Sachet(s) à 1.2 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 6 Active AgentsMorga AGEGtell a friend
     Klostergarten Brusttee
Hieronymus N
20 x 1.5 gPRPRk.A.Arzneitee: 6 Active AgentsMigros-
EGtell a friend
200 mlPRPRk.A.Flüssigkeit zum Einnehmen: Plantaginis Lanceolatae Herbae Recentis Succus (Plantago Lanceolata l. s.L., Herba)Salus Schweiz AGEGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchoVerde Hustenlöser55 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: Hederae Helicis Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 8.712 mg/mlSidroga AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchoVerde Hustenlöser100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: Hederae Helicis Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 8.712 mg/mlSidroga AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchoVerde Hustenlöser100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: Hederae Helicis Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 8.712 mg/mlSidroga AGDGtell a friend
    PhAmigo Kräutersirup200 mlPRPRk.A.Solution: 5 Active AgentsMislin + Balthasar AGEGtell a friend
Combinations (R05CA10) 37 products WHO-DDD  
   CIPhBronchipret TP205.4110.0010 %Coated tablets: Primulae Radicis Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 60 mgBiomed AGD / SLGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchipret TP5011.7121.6510 %Coated tablets: Primulae Radicis Extractum Ethanolicum Siccum 60 mgBiomed AGD / SLGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchialpastillen S50 Tablet(s)PR9.50k.A.Pastilles: Liquiritiae Extractum Ethanolicum LiquidumHänseler AGEGtell a friend
  IPCI BronchostopDUO
20PRPRk.A.Pastilles: 2 Active AgentsPerrigo Schweiz AGDGtell a friend
  IPCI BronchostopDUO
40PRPRk.A.Pastilles: 2 Active AgentsPerrigo Schweiz AGDGtell a friend
    PhCarmol Bonbons pour la
75 gPRPRk.A.Pastilles: 4 Active AgentsVERFORA SAEGtell a friend
   CIPhSidroga Brust- und
Hustentee N
20 x 2 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 5 Active AgentsSidroga AGEGtell a friend
   CIPhSidroga Kinder
20 x 1.5 gPRPRk.A.Chopped herbs: 5 Active AgentsSidroga AGEGtell a friend
    PhBonherba Hustensirup250 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 3 Active AgentsF. Hunziker + Co AGEGtell a friend
  IPCIPhBronchipret Thymian Efeu100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsBiomed AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhDrosinula200 mlPR12.40k.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsA.Vogel AGDGtell a friend
   CIAWeleda Hustensirup100 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 10 Active AgentsWeleda AGDGtell a friend
  IPCIPhBronchostop Duo
120 mlPRPRk.A.Solution (oral): 2 Active AgentsPerrigo Schweiz AGDGtell a friend
  IPCIPhBronchostop Duo
200 mlPRPRk.A.Solution (oral): 2 Active AgentsPerrigo Schweiz AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhKernosan Meerrettich-
360 mlPRPRk.A.Solution (oral): 12 Active AgentsE. Kern AG,
DGtell a friend
   CIPhKernosan Meerrettich-
750 mlPRPRk.A.Solution (oral): 12 Active AgentsE. Kern AG,
DGtell a friend
   CIPhBronchosan50 mlPR14.80k.A.Husten-Tropfen: 3 Active AgentsA.Vogel AGDGtell a friend
    PhBonherba Kräutertee300 gPRPRk.A.Instant-Pulver: 2 Active AgentsF. Hunziker + Co AGEGtell a friend
   CIPhSantasapina Hustensirup
ohne Alkohol
200 mlPRPRk.A.Solution: Piceae Abietis Turionum Recentorum Extractum Aquosum SpissumA.Vogel AGDGtell a friend
    PhRicola Kräutertee Instant200 gPRPRk.A.Teeaufgusspulver: Specierum Pectoralium Extractum 32.2 mgRicola AGEGtell a friend
   CIAHustentropfen Doron30 mlPRPRk.A.anthroposophisches Arzneimittel: 9 Active AgentsWeleda AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhTriofan Expectorant avec
réglisse comp.
30 mlPRPRk.A.gouttes bronchiques: 3 Active AgentsVERFORA SADGtell a friend
     Herbalpina classic
zuckerfrei mit Isomalt
25 gPRPRk.A.Bonbons: 11 Active AgentsWander AGEGtell a friend
     Herbalpina classic
zuckerfrei mit Isomalt
75 gPRPRk.A.Bonbons: 11 Active AgentsWander AGEGtell a friend
     Ricola Kräuter Fresh
25 gPRPRk.A.Bonbons: 3 Active AgentsRicola AGEGtell a friend
     Ricola Menthol
Kräuterbonbon ohne Zucker
50 gPRPRk.A.Pastilles: 3 Active AgentsRicola AGEGtell a friend
     Syno-Bronchin neue
50 pastillesPRPRk.A.Pastilles: 4 Active AgentsHänseler AGDGtell a friend
     A. Vogel Spitzwegerich-
200 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 2 Active AgentsA.Vogel AGEGtell a friend
   CI Expectoran150 mlPR6.35k.A.Sirup: 3 Active AgentsDr. Grossmann AG
DGtell a friend
   CI Expectoran250 mlPR10.20k.A.Sirup: 3 Active AgentsDr. Grossmann AG
DGtell a friend
   CIPhPectoral Mepha N150 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 4 Active AgentsMepha Pharma AGDGtell a friend
  IP  Thymodrosin N150 mlPRPRk.A.Sirup: 5 Active AgentsDr. August W. GublerDGtell a friend
  IPCI Neo-Bronchol10 suppositoriesPRPRk.A.Suppositories: 3 Active AgentsDP-Medica SACGtell a friend
  IPCI Neo-Bronchol10 suppositoriesPRPRk.A.Suppositories: 3 Active AgentsDP-Medica SADGtell a friend
  IPCI Neo-Bronchol10 suppositoriesPRPRk.A.Suppositories: 3 Active AgentsDP-Medica SADGtell a friend
   CI Nicobrevin N48 Capsule(s)PRPRk.A.Capsules: 5 Active AgentsTentan AGDGtell a friend
     Buchosan250 mlPR17.80k.A.Fluid: 7 Active AgentsPWS PharmaWholeSale
International AG
DGtell a friend
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