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Home<List for "Solcoseryl mite" (9)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Other Cicatrizants (D03AX) 9 products WHO-DDD  
  IPCI Peru-Stick21 gPRPRk.A.Stick: 3 Active AgentsTentan AGDGtell a friend
   CIPhKamillin Medipharm10 x 40 mlPRPRk.A.steinberg pharma agDGtell a friend
   CIPhKelosoft10 gPR13.90k.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsHänseler AGD / LPPVGtell a friend
   CIPhKelosoft25 gPR27.90k.A.Cream: 2 Active AgentsHänseler AGD / LPPVGtell a friend
  IPCI Solcoseryl mite20 gPRPRk.A.Gel: Dialysatum Deproteinatum Sanguinis Vituli Siccum 4.15 mgMEDA Pharmaceuticals
Switzerland GmbH
DGtell a friend
  IPCI Solcoseryl20 gPR13.35k.A.Gel: Dialysatum Deproteinatum Sanguinis Vituli Siccum 8.3 mgMEDA Pharmaceuticals
Switzerland GmbH
DGtell a friend
   CI Balsafissan N50 gPRPRk.A.Balm: 4 Active AgentsF. Uhlmann-Eyraud SADGtell a friend
   CI IVF TenderWet20 gPRPRk.A.IVF HARTMANN AGDGtell a friend
     Calendulin40 gPRPRk.A.Ointment: 4 Active AgentsMedinca R.
Brandenberger & Co.
DGtell a friend
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