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Home<List for "Clariscan" (27)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Gadoteric Acid (V08CA02) 27 products WHO-DDD 
  IP  Cyclolux10 ml33.4654.8510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.32 mg/mlb.e.imaging.agB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Cyclolux15 ml45.4768.6510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.32 mg/mlb.e.imaging.agB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Cyclolux20 ml57.4682.4510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.32 mg/mlb.e.imaging.agB / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IP  Cyclolux60 ml160.63201.0010 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.32 mg/mlb.e.imaging.agB / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IP  Cyclolux100 ml267.71324.0510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.32 mg/mlb.e.imaging.agB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem10 ml47.8071.3510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem10 ml47.8071.3510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem15 ml64.9691.0510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem15 ml64.9691.0510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem20 ml82.09110.7510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem20 ml82.09110.7510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IP  Dotarem60 ml246.27299.4010 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan10 ml33.4654.8510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan10 ml33.4654.8510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan15 ml45.4768.6510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan15 ml45.4768.6510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan20 ml57.4682.4510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan20 ml57.4682.4510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan50 ml133.86170.2510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan100 ml267.71324.0510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGB / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  ArtiremDurchstechflasche(n) à 20 ml43.0265.8510 %Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 1.397 mg/mlGuerbet AGB / SLGtell a friend
  IP  Artiremsyringe(s) à 20 ml50.1274.00k.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 1.397 mg/mlGuerbet AGBGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan50 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGBGtell a friend
  IP  Clariscan60 mlPRPRk.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGE Healthcare AGBGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem10 ml51.3875.40k.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGBGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem15 ml69.8296.55k.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGBGtell a friend
  IP  Dotarem20 ml88.23117.70k.A.Injection solution: Acidum Gadotericum 279.3 mg/mlGuerbet AGBGtell a friend
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