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Home<List for "Glivec 400 mg" (22)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Imatinib (L01EA01) 16 products WHO-DDD  
L IPCI Glivec 100 mg - T60 Tablet(s)808.40945.3520 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Glivec 400 mg - T30 Tablet(s)1615.201834.7520 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Glivec GIST 100 mg60 Tablet(s)610.86718.3510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Glivec GIST 400 mg30 Tablet(s)1204.401383.7510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgNovartis Pharma
Schweiz AG
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Accord 100 mg60462.06547.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Accord 100 mg90609.90717.2510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IP  Imatinib Accord 400 mg30923.221075.1010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IP  Imatinib Accord 400 mg902354.202646.0510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib GIST-Teva 100 mg60519.23613.0510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IP  Imatinib GIST-Teva 400 mg301023.741185.4510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Sandoz 100 mg60462.06547.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgSandoz
Pharmaceuticals AG
A / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Sandoz 400 mg30923.221075.1010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgSandoz
Pharmaceuticals AG
A / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Zentiva 100 mg60 Tablet(s)462.06547.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgHelvepharm AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Zentiva 400 mg30 Tablet(s)923.221075.1010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgHelvepharm AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib-Teva 100 mg60 Tablet(s)462.06547.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib-Teva 400 mg30 Tablet(s)923.221075.1010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
Imatinib (L01XE01) 6 products WHO-DDD 
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 100 mg
30231.03281.9010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 100 mg
60462.06547.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 100 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 200 mg30430.55511.1510 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 200 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 200 mg60757.78887.2010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 200 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 400 mg30923.221075.1010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
L IPCI Imatinib Devatis 400 mg601624.891845.4010 %Coated tablets: Imatinibum 400 mgDevatis AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
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