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Home<List for "Haemocomplettan P 1 g" (3)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Fibrinogen, Human (B02BB01) 3 products WHO-DDD 
  IP V/SFibryga 1g PRPRk.A.Pulver und Lösungsmittel zur Herstellung einer Injektions-/Infusionslösung: Fibrinogenum Humanum 1 gOctapharma AGBGtell a friend
L IP V/SHaemocomplettan P 1 g1 g395.51446.8510 %Dry substance: Fibrinogenum Humanum 1 gCSL Behring AGB / SLGtell a friend
L IP V/SHaemocomplettan P 2 g2 g791.02852.6510 %Dry substance: Fibrinogenum Humanum 2 gCSL Behring AGB / SLGtell a friend
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