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Home<List for "Taxotere 80 mg" (15)Sort according to Concentration, Size and Price
     ProductPackage SizeEFPCPSBDCCompositionRegistr. HolderCategory    
Docetaxel (L01CD02) 15 products WHO-DDD 
  IP  Taxotere 20 mgDurchstechflasche(n)55.7780.5010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 20 mg/mlSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Taxotere 80 mgDurchstechflasche(n)223.10272.8010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 80mg / 4mlSanofi-Aventis
(Suisse) SA
A / SL / SOGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Accord 20 mg/1 ml 47.4170.9010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 20 mg/mlAccord Healthcare AG● A / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Accord 80 mg/4 ml 189.64234.3510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 80mg / 4mlAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Accord 160 mg/8 ml 379.28452.2510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 160mg / 8mlAccord Healthcare AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Fresenius i.v. 80
mg/4 ml
Durchstechflasche(n)189.64234.3510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 80mg / 4mlFresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
A / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Fresenius i.v. 160
mg/8 ml
Durchstechflasche(n)379.28452.2510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 160mg / 8mlFresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
A / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Fresenius i.v. 20
mg/1 ml
Durchstechflasche(n)47.4170.9010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 20 mg/mlFresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
A / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP CMDocetaxel Zentiva 20 mg/1 mlDurchstechflasche(n)48.3672.0010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 20 mg/mlHelvepharm AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP CMDocetaxel Zentiva 80 mg/4 mlDurchstechflasche(n)189.64234.3510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 80mg / 4mlHelvepharm AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel-Teva liquid 20
mg/1 ml
 48.3772.0010 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 20 mg/mlTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel-Teva liquid 80
mg/4 ml
 189.64234.3510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 80mg / 4mlTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel-Teva liquid 140
mg/7 ml
 334.01400.2510 %Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 140mg / 7mlTeva Pharma AGA / SL / SGGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Fresenius i.v. 120
mg/6 ml
Durchstechflasche(n)382.13455.10k.A.Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 120mg / 6mlFresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
AGtell a friend
  IP  Docetaxel Fresenius i.v. 180
mg/9 ml
Durchstechflasche(n)690.41809.00k.A.Concentrate for infusion: Docetaxelum 180mg / 9mlFresenius Kabi
(Schweiz) AG
AGtell a friend
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