Coop Vitality Erkältungscreme, Creme - 40 g Swissmedic Key 65484002 CM Registration Holder Coop Vitality Health Care GmbH Name Coop Vitality Erkältungscreme, Creme Date of registration 09.10.2014 Introduction of Sequence 09.10.2014 ATC-Classification Other Cold Preparations (R05X) Revision date WHO WHO-DDD Valid until Index Therapeuticus (BSV) Show package size 40 g Index Therapeuticus (Swissmedic) 03.06. Description Swissmedic categorie. D SL Eintrag No Indication Consumer information CI Ex-factory-Price PR Deductible k.A. Consumer price PR Pharmacode Medication Code Phytoarzneimittel Disponibility
Composition menthae piperitae aetheroleum (Mentha × piperita L., aetheroleum) 65.25 mg, eucalypti aetheroleum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Eucalyptus polybractea R.T.Baker, Eucalyptus smithii R.T.Baker, aetheroleum) 60 mg, cajeputi aetheroleum (Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L., Melaleuca cajeputi Powell, aetheroleum) 15 mg, gaultheriae aetheroleum, juniperi aetheroleum, caryophylli aetheroleum, arachidis oleum hydrogenatum 200 mg, vaselinum album, alcohol cetylicus 10 mg, alcohol cetylicus et stearylicus emulsificans A 40 mg, glyceroli stearas, aqua purificata, propylenglycolum 40 mg, ad unguentum. Packungsbestandteile Galenic Form Ointment Excipiens Active Agent Dose Cajeputi Aetheroleum 15 mg Eucalypti Aetheroleum 60 mg Menthae Piperitae Aetheroleum 65.25 mg
Inactive agents Aromatica Propylenglycol
Source Data was imported : 07.03.2024
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