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R03CC02 - SalbutamolATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
R - Respiratory System

Inhaled antiinfectives are classified in ATC group J - Antiinfectives for systemic use.

R03 - Drugs for Obstructive Airway Diseases
R03C - Adrenergics for Systemic Use

This group comprises adrenergics for systemic use indicated for e.g. bronchial asthma. Sympathomimetics used in the treatment of hypotension, see C01CA. Fenoterol infusion only intended for repression of labour is classified in G02CA.
Combinations with xanthines are classified in R03DB. Combinations with other drugs for obstructive airway diseases belonging to R03D excl. xanthines are classified in R03CK.

R03CC - Selective Beta-2-Adrenoreceptor Agonists
R03CC02 - Salbutamol
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